Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A bit of this, a bit of that...

I haven't had much time to write recently, but I miss it! So here's a brief update of what I would have liked/might still find the time to write about:

1. Can you BELIEVE that some ... guy ... is going to REWRITE Huckleberry Finn and replace the "N" word with "slave" and "injun'" with "Indian". UGH! As a writer, as an American, as...I don't even know...I'm outraged. So unbelievably (well, maybe believably) OUTRAGED. Grarrr!! Oh, and isn't "Indian" just as offensive as "injun'"? Not to mention that technically it isn't correct, so we should actually replace it with Native American. Would that be offensive too? I will be writing a more lengthy blog about this matter at some later date.

2. What would you do if you won $190 million dollars like the two people who just won Washington State's lotto did?

3. I am quite disgruntled about Facebook changing profile layouts willy-nilly like they tend to do and then forcing the change upon those who do not wish changes to be made.

4. I have some pretty fabulous friends and family. Just saying. While I may not have oodles and oodles of "friends" at every turn, those few friends I do have are very true friends. And that's the way I like it!

5. I had a birthday bonanza extravaganza! It snowed six inches in about five hours on my birthday...which in this area is quite a phenomenon. I rode a mechanical bull. I made a life-sized LIFE game and had a pinata and personal pizzas. It was epic. And legendary. And all things fantastic.

And now, I need to eat a burger, fold some clothes, practice, and start delving into some outlining and rewriting of my novel. 

I will leave you with these thoughts:

~~Remember, stick to your resolutions! Even if you have to get some new adhesive to do so. :)

~~And for those of you who are musically inclined, I made a great joke the other day. My students found it...not nearly as entertaining as I did, though I fail to see why. It's hilarious:

"Learning your scales is the opposite of baseball: You start with the Majors and then move to the minors."

Bwahahahaha! C'mon guys, it's so musically punny! And I thought it up all by myself! Sheesh. :)

Cheers to you all!


  1. I agree with you about rewriting Huckleberry Finn - it is silly. Should we go through every document in history and correct anything that is "politically incorrect?"

    Ugh - I just can't even stand to watch the news anymore. :-)

    On a side note - Hope your writing is coming along well!! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. I agree with the friends thing. I don't like being pulled a million different directions. I have a hard enough time being pulled along in one direction. I am glad that some of my friends have stuck with me all these years even though I am such a lazy blob sometimes :)


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