Because, after all, with any good halftime show, we need a good halftime report. And so here goes:
BOB: "What an exciting opening half, don't you agree, Ralph?"
RALPH: "Yes, Bob, I do say that it was. It started out slow, I was a little worried there for the first few plays, I felt like the ball just wasn't going anywhere. But then out of nowhere, it suddenly flew down the field!"
B: "Those Muses practically handed the game over to Team Sondra, do you think they'll have anything left for the second half?"
R: "Really, only time will tell. Last year at this time the game was a lot closer, but this year Team Sondra has some hidden talents."
B: "You know Ralph, to be honest I'm surprised. In fact, I think she took a lot of us by surprise. Up until the last week before the big month, she wasn't even sure she'd be competing."
R: "Excellent point, Bob. But apparently that strategy has been working for her. Last year she came prepared. This year it could have gone either way, and there have been some shockers."
B: "Certainly. Her characters have taken control of the game at times, leading her in what seems to be a crazy path down the field. Do you think that she can keep up with them and bring it home?"
R: "Time will only tell. But if she keeps playing like she has during the first half--"
B: "You mean if The Muses keep handing it over."
R: "I think Team Sondra deserves some credit. Apparently she's been keeping some of those main scenes and characters on the downlow for years."
B: "I do have to agree, those were some powerful secret weapons. Now, let's get back to the game and see what happens in the second half!"
Meanwhile, in other news, Costco had great samples today (oreo cookies being one of them) and McDonald's is offering a free 12 oz coffee all day, every day until Nov. 20th. Score!