Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Week in Review: It's a bug's life (Part II)

I opened the door, leash in hand. Ellie pushed past me, eager to get into the sunshine, knowing that the leash meant exercise of some kind. As she brushed past me, I noticed a rather odd sight on the door frame:

Curious, I peered at this gummy-looking thing. I had several thoughts flash through my mind, instantaneously competing with each other:

"What is that?"
"Is it real?"
"Is somebody spying on me?!" (I'd been watching a bit too much Revenge recently...)

The thing started swaying. There was no wind. Not even a tiny gust of air. And yet it slowly rocked back and forth with its beady little...fake eyes.

After the initial shock of "What the...?", I used my powers of observation (and morbid fascination) and noted that those "eyes" were clearly not real. It looked as though they were painted on (again, a fleeting thought of feeling spied on...).

At this point, I reached over to turn the handle of the door to go inside and retrieve my phone. But, ALAS! I'd already locked myself out. I hustled to get myself back into the house, not wanting to miss this strange alien creature. By the time I returned moments hadn't moved. Except for its steady swayback and forth, back and forth. I captured the above picture and then proceeded to stare at it intently.

Those eyes...

What does one do at at time like this! Why...Google of course!

With my handy-dandy phone, I popped onto Google and typed in the following:

alien caterpillar with fake eyes

Behold the power of Google! Instantly it popped up this video.

Not to be outdone, I took a video of my own:

As the caterpillar began to investigate the door frame, I investigated the caterpillar.

I went on an online hunt, seeing what else Google pulled up, website-wise, for my "alien caterpillar with fake eyes" search.

And, voila!

This alien-looking caterpillar will turn into the beautiful Tiger Swallowtail butterfly:

Though this is actually the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and not the Western.
(Photo Website LinkWestern Tiger Swallowtail Info)

I'd say, that's a pretty neat find!


And, on a poetic side note, what a great metamorphosis example for me, don't you think? :) (See A Week in Review: It's a bug's life (Part I)

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what nature can produce for our viewing pleasure!


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