Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Week in Review: The long and the short of it (tee hee)

I am not intentionally pushing the posting dates back each week; somehow life just gets busy.

I almost didn't post this week; first because I forgot on Sunday (big day with quintet rehearsal and lessons and youth symphony and lessons and finally getting home to eat dinner). Then, as Monday slipped by, I thought, "Should I bother this week? It's already Tuesday..."

But NO! I said I would do this, so barring any actual forgettage (English major is allowed to make up words), I will persevere.

A short snippet for the week (pun intended):

My hair cut rocks. (Pun intended again.)

The bass players in the symphony in which I play are located across the entire room from me, stage left. Due to this location, rarely, if ever, do we interact. A new bass player joined us last season, an older, slender black man from Chicago, who wears a newsboy cap with some grays underneath. I don't believe we've even nodded a "Hello" to each other (due, again, merely to location).

The first rehearsal after my hair cut, I walked into rehearsal and sat down. Incredibly early, I was one of only a few people in the room. The bass player walked in and as he was about to put bow to strings, said (from across the room), "You got your hair cut!"

Catching me completely off guard, I at least responded with a, "Yes, I did!"

He made my day. The only other person in my section doesn't notice I chopped off multiple inches of hair, but a pleasant gentleman from across the room doesand comments on it! :)

Just goes to show you that you never know who's watching. And not in the creepy, stalker way, but in the "being aware of your surroundings" kind of way.

Remember, people like to be noticed and acknowledged. Even something that may seem trivial to you could make a difference in somebody's day.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! What a nice young man. Don't you love that? I, however, am not sure if I'll ever be aware of my surroundings.


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